SPOKE 6 – Pubblicato il Bando a Cascata Age-It 2/2024

The new waterfall call for proposals for Spoke 6 “Silver Economy” of the Extended Age-It Partnership, the leading scientific hub for research on population aging in Italy, has been published.

The fundable topics are:

  • Theme 1: The role of work organization and worker expectations in Italian companies;
  • Theme 2: Key factors for promoting civic engagement, sustainable consumption and investment behaviors, and work-life balance;
  • Theme 3: New consumption models for green transition and analysis of vulnerabilities in saving and debt behaviors;
  • Theme 4: Consumption preferences and dynamics in individual behaviors in the Silver Economy and demographic transition;
  • Theme 5: Enrichment of information and analysis for a new integrated welfare architecture.

Financial allocation: €1,178,000 in total.

Scadenza del bando: 13 maggio 2024 (data estesa)

Call for proposals and details published at this link.

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