
Age-It Affiliated Fellowship programme


The Age-It Affiliated Fellowship Program aims to recognize the role of researchers and professionals who, although not part of the Critical Mass or formally recruited by the Program, voluntarily participate and collaborate in the implementation of Age-It activities. The Affiliated Fellowship program does not guarantee financial support from Age-It but seeks to formalize the importance of the contributions of these researchers and allow them to benefit from the opportunities offered by the Age-It network.

How to become an Affiliated Fellow

Age-It does not accept spontaneous applications. To become an Affiliated Fellow and join the Age-It network, a candidate must be nominated by a current manager of an Age-It Work Package. The application will be evaluated by the committee of members of the Age-It network established within the Age-It Steering Committee. The Affiliated Fellow regulations are available at this link.


Claudio Lucifora

Università Cattolica


Giua Marassi

Sanofi Srl

Guido Iaccarino

University of Naples "Federico II"

Fellows Age-It: 

Francesca Alice Vianello

Università di Padova

Elena Macchioni

Università di Bologna

Federico Benassi

University of Naples "Federico II"

Michele Belloni

Università di Torino

Gaetano La Manna

Università di Bologna

Lucio Tremolizzo

Università di Milano Bicocca

Ildebrando Marco Appollonio

Università di Milano Bicocca

Valeria Isella

Università di Milano Bicocca

Gianandrea Pasquinelli

Università di Bologna

Gessica Sala

Università di Milano Bicocca

Simone Carlo

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Marianna Mantuano

 Istituto Nazionale di Statistica

Azzurra Massimi

Università la Sapienza di Roma

Marianna Noale

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Giorgio Di Gessa

University College London

Giovanni Defazio

Università di Bari 

Junior Fellows Age-It: 

Maria Teresa Ambrosio

Università di Milano

Maria Cristina Ferrara

ASST Lecco

Stefano Tortora

Università di Padova

Silvia Errico

Università di Firenze

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