L’ambizione dello Spoke 8
The Spoke 8 is dedicated to interventions and technologies that can reduce the burden of age-related diseases, disorders, and disabilities. The Spoke aims to experiment with the effectiveness of multidimensional interventions in reducing the risk of physical and cognitive decline in the elderly. The hypothesis, based on current scientific evidence, is that individual interventions may not achieve the desired efficacy
in reducing the onset of age-related diseases, given their multifactorial etiology.
Specifically, the Spoke identifies three different care settings (elderly people at home, hospitalized elderly people, elderly residents in nursing homes) in various Italian regions where multidimensional interventions (nutrition, physical and cognitive training, socialization, close monitoring of risk factors) will be implemented, based on a careful phenotyping of the subjects.
Tali interventi sono armonizzati con analoghi studi internazionali (World Wide Fingers), coi quali saranno condivisi i risultati. Il principale output atteso delle attività dello Spoke è quello di contribuire alla riorganizzazione dell’assistenza e della cura agli anziani, con ampie ricadute per il sistema socio-sanitario del nostro paese.
The In-TeMPO Study
Within the context of home care, the In-TeMPO study has been developed, a multicenter randomized controlled longitudinal study aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of multidomain interventions in preventing cognitive and functional decline and promoting healthy aging at home. The study arises from the synergy of all Work Packages within Spoke 8 and involves a large population study (3,000 enrolled individuals) and the implementation of an extensive effectiveness study with the collaboration of various healthcare professionals, the use of wearable devices, and software for cognitive stimulation. The collected data will be analyzed in an integrated manner with the support of computer scientists, engineers, and statisticians. Finally, a cost-effectiveness analysis will be conducted by a group of economists and engineers.
An open collaborative platform
The value of In-TeMPO lies in the construction of a large cohort of highly characterized elderly individuals, available for further involvement, such as for the co-creation and experimentation of new technologies and innovative solutions. Additionally, the biological samples collected from the study population and the biomarkers analyzed will be available for further biomedical research, following the principles of OPEN SCIENCE. The existing synergies among various Age-It Spokes have expanded, for example, with the collaboration of Spoke 3 (for the definition and analysis of the biomarkers to be studied) and Spoke 9 (for the management and analysis of the large databases generated by wearable sensors).
The network of experimental centers
La lista dei centri partecipanti allo studio, tuttora in aggiornamento, è la seguente:
- Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca, Fondazione IRCCS San Gerardo, Monza – Prof. Carlo Ferrarese
- Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Maggiore e della Carità, Novara – Prof. Cristoforo Comi
- Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Policlinico Umberto I, Roma – Prof. Giuseppe Bruno
- Università degli studi di Firenze, Ospedale Universitario Careggi di Firenze – Prof.ssa Benedetta Nacmias
- Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Policlinico di Bari Ospedale Giovanni XXIII, Bari – Prof. Vincenzo Solfrizzi
- Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Federico II di Napoli – Prof.ssa Elena Salvatore
- Università degli Studi del Molise, Ospedale Cardarelli, Campobasso – Prof. Alfonso di Costanzo
- Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Ospedale “Vita-Salute” San Raffaele, Milano – Prof.ssa Federica Agosta